
We ask that our shareholders and investors submit all inquiries via e-mail.

When making inquiries, please be aware of the following:

We do our best to respond promptly, but it may take some time to reply depending on the content of the inquiry.
We may not be able to provide an answer depending on the content of your inquiry.
Please note that the IR department cannot answer the following types of questions:

  • Questions regarding non-public information like performance trends
  • Questions that may fall under the category of "material facts" as defined in Article 166 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act like those involving shareholder returns and stock price policies
  • Questions about stock market price movements, including trends and trading methods
  • Messages with defamatory content (unfounded rumors, slander, etc.)
  • Inquiries regarding sales or promotions, including those of services
  • Inquiries about topics not posted on our website

All personal information is handled with strict confidentiality.
Please review our Privacy Policy for more on how we handle personal information.

Also, please refrain from reproducing or otherwise reusing our responses to inquiries, in whole or in part.。

Thank you for your understanding.
Email for inquiries: